Cupping Therapy

Chinese Cupping is one of the best deep-tissue therapies available. It is thought to affect tissues up to 4 inches deep from the external skin. The suction and negative pressure can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite. Toxins are released, blockages are cleared, and blood is circulated within these four inches of affected materials. Even hands, wrists, legs, and ankles can be ‘cupped,' as there are many different sizes of cups. Chinese Cupping Therapy Cupping is an extremely beneficial therapy, which gives a person a feeling of flexibility and lightness. It is a painless, safe and inexpensive therapy.
How Does Cupping Work?
The suction between the cup and the skin causes the muscle and skin to separate slightly. This allows for cellular waste products in the muscles and fascia to be drawn towards the skin. This helps the knots and tension in the muscles to release.The technique heals injuries and sore muscles by drawing the pathogenic factors out of the muscles into the skin where it is more easily expelled by the body. If there has been injury or stagnation in the muscles for some time, circular red or purple blotches may appear on the skin if the cups are left stationary for a number of minutes. The red marks offer evidence that the stagnation and pathogens are being released. These dark spots can take several days to dissipate, but they are painless. If you are going to a party, you might not want to wear a backless dress, unless you are Gwyneth Paltow who wore them with pride to the Oscars!!
How Does Cupping Work?
The suction between the cup and the skin causes the muscle and skin to separate slightly. This allows for cellular waste products in the muscles and fascia to be drawn towards the skin. This helps the knots and tension in the muscles to release.The technique heals injuries and sore muscles by drawing the pathogenic factors out of the muscles into the skin where it is more easily expelled by the body. If there has been injury or stagnation in the muscles for some time, circular red or purple blotches may appear on the skin if the cups are left stationary for a number of minutes. The red marks offer evidence that the stagnation and pathogens are being released. These dark spots can take several days to dissipate, but they are painless. If you are going to a party, you might not want to wear a backless dress, unless you are Gwyneth Paltow who wore them with pride to the Oscars!!
Cupping to Eliminate Colds and Flu
Because cupping draws pathogenic factors to the surface, it is often used for treating colds and the flu.One of the cardinal signs of coming down with a cold is a stiff neck and aching upper back muscles. This is where your defensive qi (Immune system) is fighting to keep the pathogen from entering deeper levels of your body. Your grandmother was right when she told you to wear a scarf and stay out of drafts. The pathogens Wind and Cold enter the back of your neck!
History of Cupping
The earliest record of cupping is in Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical textbooks in the world. It describes in 1,550 B.C. Egyptians used cupping. Archaeologists have found evidence in China of Chinese cupping dating back to 1,000 B.C. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates (c. 400 B.C.) used cupping for internal disease and structural problems. Taoist herbalist Ge Hong documents cupping in his ‘Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies’ in 300 AD.
Weight Loss and Cellulite Cupping
For weight loss and cellulite treatments, oil is applied to the skin, and then the cups are moved up and down the surrounding area.
Because cupping draws pathogenic factors to the surface, it is often used for treating colds and the flu.One of the cardinal signs of coming down with a cold is a stiff neck and aching upper back muscles. This is where your defensive qi (Immune system) is fighting to keep the pathogen from entering deeper levels of your body. Your grandmother was right when she told you to wear a scarf and stay out of drafts. The pathogens Wind and Cold enter the back of your neck!
History of Cupping
The earliest record of cupping is in Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical textbooks in the world. It describes in 1,550 B.C. Egyptians used cupping. Archaeologists have found evidence in China of Chinese cupping dating back to 1,000 B.C. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates (c. 400 B.C.) used cupping for internal disease and structural problems. Taoist herbalist Ge Hong documents cupping in his ‘Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies’ in 300 AD.
Weight Loss and Cellulite Cupping
For weight loss and cellulite treatments, oil is applied to the skin, and then the cups are moved up and down the surrounding area.
Cupping Treatment Helps:
• Pain • Diminished Range of Motion • Blanching when the flesh is pressed |
Fire Cupping will alleviate the following:
• Muscle Pain (Back, Neck etc) • Joint Pain (Arthritis, Joint swelling) • Tense Stiff Shoulders • Sciatica • Muscle spasms • Common Cold or Flu |
Benefits of cupping include:
• Better energy flow • Improved Flexibility • Loosens tight muscles • Stimulates digestive system and nervous system |
• Causes the tissues to release toxins • Activates the skin, veins, arteries and capillaries • Activates the lymphatic system • Clears colon blockages |